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The Constitution

The Motor Ferry Industry Bargaining Council of South Africa (“MFIBC”) was registered with the Department of Labour on 28 May 2003 under reference LR 2/6/6/152 to cater for the niche industry of motor ferry. Since then the constitution of the MFIBC has been amended on a few occasions and is available on the website.

The Scope

The scope of the MFIBC is “the motor ferry industry means an industry concerned with the transportation of motor vehicles by road, whether by vehicle carrier or own wheels to and from Vehicle Manufacturers, harbours, rail, storage depots, dealers and third parties”

The Parties

The current parties to the MFIBC are the Association of Mining and Construction Union (“AMCU”), the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (“SATAWU”), Free At Last Workers Union (“FALWUSA”) and the South African Motor Ferry Association (“SAMFA”). The members of SAMFA are Motorvia, VDS, Trucklogix, Auto Carriers and KDG Logistics.

The Main Collective Agreement

The Main Collective Agreement was published by Government Notice in Government Gazette No. 47665 9 December 2022 and was extended to non-parties.

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